When Ashburn House arrived in Barnes & Noble stores last week, I asked for volunteers to help me by taking a photo of it on store shelves.
The response was incredible, and I’m so excited to share these pictures with you!
The first photo came from George L who found Ashburn in Boston, MA!Thanks to Aimee M from Wichita, Kansas, who noticed other people had already been buying copies!Kirk K found us on the bookend alongside Stephen King in Schaumburg!Veronica L spotted Ashburn on the Delaware shelves but not in the display, so she took the opportunity to move it over. What a legend!The amazing Jamie D did a bit of creative restructuring of her own by moving Ashburn to the top of the endcap. Thanks Jamie! Find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr!
Bobbi C got this great pic in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Follow her on Instagram!
Mark Wahlbeck took this great photo when he found Ashburn. He’s also a writer! Follow him on Instagram! I don’t have favourites, but if I did, it would have to be this picture of Francesca taken by her mother, Arianna. Francesca made sure they stopped by the bookstore after school, even though she already owned a copy. A bookish girl after my own heart!This picture comes courtesy of T Allan L from Tallahassee! Find him on Instagram.I love this picture from Ryan R. He has such a great smile!Robin H found us in Coral Springs. Thanks Robin!Debbie D looked for Ashburn in the display at Brandon, but only found one copy in the shelves, so she bought it! I think we might have just sold out at a store!Cadaruda found the last copy at Upper Arlington, Ohio!Debra L spotted us in Humble, Texas (what a great city name!)Jane caught this photo of us almost entirely surrounded by Stephen King (very cool!). Follow her on Instragram!The Iron Canuck Reviews found us between James Clavell and Elizabeth Cobbs. Follow them on twitter!Thanks to Ami M for this photo. You can see it and some gorgeous pet photos on her Instagram. This one comes from Melissa R in Dayton, Ohio — our second Ohio picture!And from Bethany L in Greenville, South Carolina.Aly sent in this great picture. Find her (and see some gorgeous pet pictures) on her Instagram!Laura sent this photo from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Thanks, Laura!This photo comes from the amazing Rachel, part of the Sourcebooks team, who made sure Ashburn got to print on time! She’s really gone above and beyond, and it makes me so happy to see her with a copy in-store.Lindsay sent in this great picture. I can see a Starbucks in the back, and it’s making me thirsty.And this snap comes from Martina in Chicago. Thanks, Martina!Bill Thompson really came through for me. When he first tried the store in Dallas, there were no copies on the display–so he went back, periodically checking over several weeks, until he got this photo! He’s an author, too, and writes ghostly suspense. Check out his books here.The gorgeous Brandy found the last copy in New Hartford, and bought it, too! She’s petitioning for a hardcover version, a movement I fully support.Finally, extra thanks to Sharron at the Lincoln County Library in Pioche, Nevada. Not only do they have the original edition of Ashburn House, but most of my other books, as well! If you’re passing nearby, stop in to say hello!
To everyone who sent in a photo–thank you so much. You made my dream a reality, and made it feel real in a way it hasn’t before. These pictures will be cherished for a very long time.